追风,是一个汉语词语,读音是zhuī fēng,指骏马名,也指很酷很拉风的摩托车之类的车子, 以下是为大家整理的关于《追风筝的人》中象征艺术手法探析4篇 , 供大家参考选择。
第1篇: 《追风筝的人》中象征艺术手法探析
A阿里 B哈桑 C拉辛汗 D阿米尔的父亲
A欺骗 B盗窃 C暴力 D侵犯
A卑劣的性格 B独立 C自我防卫 D勇气
A嘴 B手 C脚 D鼻
A堆雪人 B打雪仗 C看书 D放风筝,追风筝
A阿米尔 B阿里 C拉辛汗 D哈桑
A看书 B下棋 C番吉帕 D看电视
A电视机 B风筝 C衣服 D房子
A十 B十一 C十二 D十三
A钱 B玩具 C钥匙 D风筝
答案:①风筝对“我”来说,是用以向父亲证明自己“非同凡响”的东西。放起自己的风筝,并割断对手的风筝线,收获看客们的欢呼,是勇敢的表现,是一种无上的荣誉) ②风筝对于哈桑来说,是证明对主人(阿米尔少爷)忠诚和友谊的东西。“我”要哈桑把割断线的蓝风筝“带回来”,哈桑便不顾一切地保护那只好不容易找回来的蓝风筝。
学校:乐于高级中学 年级:高一
班级:10 姓名:沙欣雨
第2篇: 《追风筝的人》中象征艺术手法探析
Thanks for giving me the chance to accomplish my paper as well as make a conclusion for my four years’ education. I have gained much more knowledge than I have supposed from writing this paper.
I would give my sincere thanks to my supervisor, Ms. Shi, a respectable, responsible and resourceful scholar, who has provided me with valuable guidance in every stage of the writing of this thesis. Without her enlightening instruction, impressive kindness and patience, I could not have finished my thesis.
Also, I want to give my thanks to other teachers and my classmates who have given me much help. Thank you!
Khaled Hosseini, is an Afghan-born American writer, whose first work The Kite Runner, attach much interest of the readers from all over the world. Hosseini depicts these afghans lived in the different background and its traditional culture, deeply revealing the tyranny of the Taliban and the extreme racial and religious discrimination in this Muslim country. There have been quantities of searching about this novel at home and abroad, most of them are about the studying on the cultural identity, characterization, growth and self-redemption. This thesis unfolds afghan’s national culture and the Afghanistan people’s miserable life, thus we can know the veiled country clearly. My paper has 3 parts: introduction, the main body and conclusion. The first part introduces the writer, the work and its searching situation. The second part is the main body, which has 3 chapters. The first chapter introduces the symbolism including its definition, development and function in the literature work. The second chapter reveals Afghanistan’s battlefield and its poor condition by analyzing these different symbols in The Kite Runner. The last chapter analyses the writing reason by stating the author’s writing background. The last part summarizes these analysis of the second part, indicating the overall symbolic meanings, that is Afghanistan‘s people’s expectation to the freedom and the peace.
Key Words: The Kite Runner; Khaled Hosseini; Afghanistan; Taliban; symbolism
摘 要
关键字:追风筝的人;卡勒德 胡赛尼;阿富汗;面纱民族;象征主义
TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1. Introduction 1
2. Symbolism and Its Function 3
2.1 Symbolism 4
2.2 The Function of Symbolism in Literary Work 5
3. An Interpretation of Symbolism in The Kite Runner 6
3.1 Afghan: The Hell Massed with Poverty, War and Racial Discrimination 6
3.1.1 The Sky 7
3.1.2 The public 8
3.2 Hasan: The Scapegoat with Kindness Between the Society and the Family 8
3.2.1 The Scapegoat Between Political Scene and Religious Conflict 9
3.2.2 The Scapegoat of Aamir and His Father’s Persona 9
3.3 Kite: The Object Standing for Hope, Dignity, Redemption and Destiny 11
3.3.1 The Kite Moving to the Chasm 12
3.3.2 The Kite Leading to Freedom and Self-redemption 13
3.4 The Analysis of the symbols of Pomegranate, Slingshot and Harelip 14
4. The Analysis of The Kite Runner with Hosseini’s period 15
4.1 The Endless War and the Racial Discrimination 15
4.2 The Loss for the National Culture Heritage 17
5. Conclusion 18
Bibliography 20
An Interpretation of Symbolism in The Kite Runner
1. Introduction
Khaled Hosseini is the first writer creating in English as an afghan but living in America, and The Kite Runner is his first work which wins great appreciation from all over the world. He was born on March 4, 1965, in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, where he spent his happy childhood. His father was a diplomatist, who often made the families moved to different places, thus providing many materials to his novel. His mother was a teacher of a female school in Kabul who often urged him to read and write in his young. Because of his knowledgeable mother, he had read many stories in Persia and culminated the interest in writing in his young and had become a great writer today. He left for Iran with his families in 1970 for three years. In this period, he met with a Hazara boy who he taught to write and read something, thus the cozy but not long memory contributed to The Kite Runner with Hasan and Aamir. After two years, Hosseini’s families returned to Afghanistan, It was the last year that Afghanistan’s political power remained steadiest. Later, his harmonious childhood had been ended by the internal coup and outside invasion. In 1976, Hosseini’s father got a job in Paris France, then the whole families moved to Paris never back again. In 1980, Afghan intruded by the Soviet Union, his families put under America’s wing, and then moved to the sacred river west of California. Hosseini finished his education and become a physician internist. After he finished his first novel for four years, the second novel, A Thousand Splendid Suns won consistent high praise in the critical and made Hosseini leap a mature writer with high attention. In 2003, his third novel, And the Mountains Echoed was published in the USA, which obtained high appreciation again, being called the most ambitious among his all novels. The three novels all concern the life of Afghans, which reflect his deep love toward his motherland, Kabul.
This novel, The Kite Runner, with the perspective of the first person depicts an Afghan immigrant living in America recalling his childhood and his self-redemption to his soul in his young. It takes a series of chaotic events of Afghanistan, including the collapse of Afghanistan’s monarch, soviet’s invasion, conflict between Pashtuns and Hazaras, and Taliban’s development. The span of the story was from 1950s to 2001s. And it was an autobiographical novel in which the leading actor, Aamir’s background and experience were the same as the writer. Aamir was born into Afghan’s upper class, whose father ran business and constantly made chirality with high reputation. However, in his young, because of his selfishness to receive his father’s all love, he always was jealous of the gentle, brave and loyal boy, named Hasan, a Hazara boy, for his father showed him some care. To obtain the blue kite to win his father’s praise, he even ran away when Hasan was being insulted. One day, Aamir framed Hasan stealing his watch, leading to the family homeless. Later, Aamir and his father were forced to leave for the USA, with his feeling of shame and guilt. In America, he got married with Afghan girl, named Soraya and became a popular writer. After 15 years, a call from his father’s friend arouse this secret in his mind. Knowing this truth that Hasan was his consanguineous brother, he made his mind to save his nephew in Kabul, Hasan’ s son, to save himself.
This novel worked out just after the incident of 9.11, when the whole world caught their eyes to Afghanistan. From the sensitive boy, Aamir, lack of security to his father with multi-layer characters, and then the revealing of his father’s sins, we could know the river of long history between the Middle East and other countries. These contents weaved a complete and excellent literary work, which presented the afghan’s culture that had not become the worldwide focal point for thousands of years. Since Published in 2003, it has been arrayed the top of these popular books for two years in a row, in New York Times, selling for more than 7 million in U. S, over 20 million in the world, with 42 languages translated. Moreover, it had awarded lots of new literature award and vaulted the bestseller lists, becoming one of the three bestsellers in whole America. In addition, DreamWorks bought the movie royalties in 2006, and the director was Marc Forster. Because of full of much experience similar with the writer who had gone through, it can be said as a semi-autobiographical work. Therefore, Hosseini could be finished for only 16 months at one stretch, from Mar. 2001 to Aug.
There is much favorable reception at home and abroad after its publication. The Washington once commented the story “A brave, honorable, big-hearted book"(the Washington post). The New York Times book review: “The Kite Runner, tells a story of fierce cruelty and fierce yet redeeming love” ”A moving portrait of Afghanistan from its pre-Russian-invasion glory through the terrible reign of the Taliban.” (Entertainment Weekly). At home, since translated into Chinese by Li Jihong, there are many scholars studying about the multiple themes for this novel, such as the themes of growth about the two boys, Aamir and Hasan, who were in different classes, humanity between the general public and Taliban and the self-redemption of Aamir toward his sins and his father’s (Jin1-2). Moreover, during recent 10 years, some researchers are paying their attention to the eco-criticism and citing it to the studying of the literary work. For example, in the pen of YinCaiPing, she unscrambled The Kite Runner with a new angle of view, the eco-criticism, which made an interpretation between the war in this period and the complicated relation between the human beings and nature form natural ecology, social ecology and spiritual ecology to explore the writer’s ecology consciousness, the ecological connotation that he had expressed in his novel and his findings of facing the human and ecological crisis (1). About the theme of symbolism, many scholars are just focus on the symbol of the kite, but not analyzing the other symbols in the novel, such as Afghanistan, Hasan, pomegranate, slingshot and harelip. They are all symbols, which respectively stands for different symbolic meanings. So, my paper will focus on these symbols, making a deep interpretation combining with their themes.
2. Symbolism and Its Function
Indeed, there are a lot of symbols in The Kite Runner, for example, Hosseini uses the symbol of Afghanistan to express his turbulent homeland, to reveal a country in long wars or tyrannical role. Hasan represents the scapegoat of the nation, from whom we could see thousands of Hasan, thousands of scapegoats in that country. Hosseini takes these rich symbols to enlarge his themes, and clearly depicts a complete picture to Afghanistan.
2.1 Symbolism
Symbolism dated from 19th century in France. It is defined as a form of western art concept. At first, it was because these intellectuals dissatisfied with their social life and the official system dared not to express directly that they expressed their ideas by different symbols. Therefore, they adopted these symbols in nature to carry on their real ideas. Symbolism also has become a school and a literature trend since appearing in the French literature history during 1886, when the young man named Moleiyasi, published a literature declaration in Figaro, advocating for calling the temporal avant-courier poet with symbolists, which marked the advent of the genre of symbolism. Nowadays, it has become a writing technique, used widely in literature and poems. It presents an author’s inner world and his real implication by insinuation and symbol. The symbolists believe that everything in the nature, including the act of human being is connected with their heroes in their works, thus reflecting their real thinking. The pioneers of symbolism are Charles Baudelaire and Edgar Allan Poe. They created some works with symbolic beliefs early in the 19 century. For example, Baudelaire’s Flowers of Evils is the ground breaking work of symbolism. There are other writers creating in symbolism. Such as Paul Verlaine(无言的罗曼斯), Arthur Rimbaud(醉舟,黎明),Stephane Mallarm(牧神的午后) and so on.
We can not say that symbol is symbolism. “Symbolism is defined as a trend in the field of art and literature while symbol is considered as a tool in the artistic creation” (Zeng 16). However, there is much relation between them. “Symbol is an indispensable medium of symbolism, and only by adopting various symbols can symbolism achieve its artistic value” (Zeng 16). The symbolism is the means of artistic expression in literary work, which uses the real matter or figure to convey the ideological contents for what the writer wants to express. The matter or the figure that is symbol must be material and corporeal, and the meaning that it conveys is abstract and intangible (Zhang 217). Image, also different with symbol, is about the representatives of the sensory image and thought and the metaphor of the image, which is the core part in all styles that can be presented (qtd. In Huang 71).The image in literary work could service for shaping the character and the expressing of the main idea and it is an aesthetic category that mixes the objective things of the author’s subjective emotion. An image could be transformed a metaphor for only once, but if appeared more than once, it becomes the symbol (qtd. In Zhang 207).
2.2 The Function of Symbolism in Literary Work
The adhibition of symbolism in literary work could present the traits of character vividly, exaggerate an atmosphere successfully and drive the development of the plot to reveal the theme of a novel in depth. The symbolism used frequently concludes the symbol of the name, the place, the color and the matter (Zhang 135).
In general, an author always takes great pains to his hero’s name in his literature work, the general name may contain extraordinary meaning. Taking Thackeray’s Vanity Fair for example, Rebecca Sharp is vixenish, highly ambitious woman. She could gain money or reputation at any price. Instead, the name of Amelia stands for kindness and beauty just as its literal meaning. And Amelia in the novel is a beautiful and kind girl. The name of place is also important and it could effectively service the novel to reflect its main idea. Such as the Vanity Fair, Difficult Mountains in Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress or in Jane Eyre’s Thornfield, where Mr. Rochester lived, which all have symbolic meanings. The use of Thornfield created an environment to the following miserable life. An excellent will apply specific colours to draw atmosphere for his novels. For example, the white always stands for pure and the red stands for passion. Finally, the symbol of a concrete matter, such as the fog, rain, moon, climate and so on. Dickens makes full use the symbol of the fog at the beginning in his Bleak House, creates a useful background to the following story plot.
In Hosseini’s story, The Kite Runner, Hasan is the symbol of name, which deeply shows the sins of the racial discrimination, and the despotic rule of the Taliban. Moreover, Hassan stands for thousands of kind, but desperate general public discarded by his country and his relatives. Finally his destiny become a scapegoat of his nation and his whole life is a tragedy; Afghanistan is the symbol of the place, which indicates the overall perspective of a country satiating with wars, inequality and extremism in religion; the kite, pomegranate, slingshot and harelip are the symbols of the matter, which are the cardinal lines, promoting the development of the novel’s plot.
3. An Interpretation of Symbolism in The Kite Runner
In The Kite Runner, Hosseini repeatedly depicts some symbols and they have different symbolic meanings. Afghanistan, it was a hell of a life massed with poverty, war and racial discrimination; Hasan, who was a brave, loyal and kind boy, but is the scapegoat of the society and kinsfolks; kite, stood for hope, dignity, redemption and destiny. And the slingshot, the pomegranate and the harelip, all symbolized Aamir’s source of his evil and his self-redemption. The following context will clearly analyze their symbolic meaning from The Kite Runner.
3.1 Afghan: The Hell Massed with Poverty, War and Racial Discrimination
In 1979, when the Soviet Union trooped to afghan, it was just the beginning of incubus to those people in Afghanistan. Hosseini said in the novel:
Our way of life. If not quiet yet, then at least it was the beginning of the end. The end, the official end, would come first in April 1978 with the communist coup d’etat, and the in December 1979, when Russian tanks would roll into the very same streets where Hasan and I played, bringing the death of the Afghanistan I knew and marking the start of a still ongoing era of bloodletting. (Hosseini 39)
In addition, from Aamir’s father’s fearful face that had never appeared, it was really the beginning of nightmare to these afghan people. According to records, this invasion lasted about 10 years. They tried to control people’s will with firearms and ammunition. Facing this foreign invasion, these brave people did not surrender to soviet’s devil’s talons. Instead, these citizens strove against their oppressors with will of iron and finally expelled those invaders. Just as Aamir’s father, he would rather sacrifice himself to save the woman facing the soviet solder’s deliberate menace, which deeply showed afghan people’s resolution against the outside enemies. However, this fighting made Afghan become poorer. After this foreign aggression, Afghanistan began to suffer the challenge of the inner concerns. With the Taliban’s governing, people’s living experienced losing ground with more death, more discrimination, and more inequality than ever before. Inevitably, Afghanistan descended to a poor and dreadful country. Moreover, the incident of 9.11 toward the USA made afghan labeled on terrorism.
3.1.1 The Sky
The lively times thousands of colorful kites flying in the sky had gone with the war. The beautiful sky had been replaced by the cloud of smoke floated over the battlefield, the orphanage Aamir’s father once built for these homeless children had only left wreckage, the ruins, hanging over a smell of death. According Rahim’s word, “Kabul in those days, was as close as you could get to that proverbial hell on earth” (Hosseini 229).
Twenty years earlier, I had seen some of some of the first war with own eyes. Grim reminders of it were strewn along the road: burned carcasses of old soviet tanks, overturned military trucks gone to rust, a crushed Russian jeep that had plunged over the mountainside. The second war, I had watched on my TV screen. And now I was seeing it through Farid’s eyes. (Hosseini 263)
Uncovering the history afghan, the wars had not quite down. Because Afghanistan locates the fortress of the Middle East, it dooms that it is the object to fight for which it benefits in the economic and military field for other countries, such the soviet and the USA. That is why afghan has war affairs constantly. There was no end to the proceeding war, no sunshine, no hope, even they can’t imagine how the world would like without war. What they could see was only the gray sky hung over the smell of blood and death. In addition, most of people in Afghanistan are Pashtuns and the others are Hazaras or others. The Pashtuns oppressed the Hazaras because they believed different religious. The former are Sunni Muslims, but the latter are shi’a. As the Taliban’s ruling, religious persecution was becoming further intensified. That is why Hasan and Ali were called mice-eating, flat-nosed, load-carrying donkeys and they were always been teased or bullied even by children. At this situation, whatever the surrounding environment or the spirit of people’s mind, all these were masked a gloomy aura.
3.1.2 The public
Rahim said that ”The infighting between the factions was fierce and no one knew if they would live to see the end of the day ”(Hosseini 228-29). Where there is war, there are misfortunes. And these sufferings always befall in the head of the general public. In other words, the general mass unavoidably becomes the scapegoat of their country. Those people in Afghanistan suffered unconscionable requirements which deprived of their freedom, their dignity and even their right to life. They had to stand silently and avoid their sight directly by lowering down heads when these patrols passed away. They had to sell their legs or arms or even their children to acquire to fill their bellies. Much worse, these children suffered some affairs which did not contribute to their physical and mental development. And young adult would be killed by throwing stones to their bodies if they committed a crime of adultery.
The driver, Farid, his families were the representatives of afghan, standing for the afghans’ life in lower class. His kind brother, and the veiled wife, and his children, as emaciated as a fowl, were not interested in this expensive watch but the food. In the novel, from the family of Fraid, the picture of each family in afghan could be revealed clearly, most of Afghanistan’s people led a poor life but they still remained kind-hearted and still longed for good life, expecting the outside world could know Afghanistan, the crime of Taliban and their miserable life.
3.2 Hasan: The Scapegoat with Kindness Between the Society and the Family
“For you a thousand times over” this sentence was Hasan said to Aamir, from which it reflected his love to Aamir. At the same time, it also was the beginning of his miserable end. If not his kindness, not his allegiance, not his braveness, he did not suffer the unfair treatment. If there is no racial discrimination, no war, if his mother did not dump him after his birth, if Aamir’s father could recognize him willing to give up his reputation and take him together, then Hasan could have a happy life like Aamir. So, it was the turbulent society, his indifferent families and friends that contributed his tragedy and made him become the scapegoat of the sociality and the family. In addition, the role of Hasan was just one of the representatives of thousands of Hasan in Afghan, a brave and loyal child, but was the scapegoat of his country.
3.2.1 The Scapegoat Between Political Scene and Religious Conflict
Most people in afghan are Pashtun, which is also the traditional ruler. And other a few nations are the Tajik nationality, Hazara people and the Ozbek nationality. Nowadays, racial discrimination is still popular. And this novel mainly concerns for the Hazara people and the Pashtun. The Hazara were the lowest and grading nationality, but the Pashtun people were reviewed as the noblest nationality that governed this country. In the author’s pen, Aamir was the Pashtun people, Ali, Hasan and his son were the Hazara people, who stood for the vulnerable groups, the niggers.
Because of the racial discrimination, these Hazara people, Ali and Hasan were called mice-eating, flat-nosed, load-carrying donkeys (Hosseini 10). Because of its prevalent, these children even little Aamir had not admit Hasan his friend when asked. He was just a Hazara people in his heart. So, the mind of racial discrimination had soaked everybody’s minds, even these children who should play happily with each other. Because of the unhealthy mind, Aamir choosed to run away and hurt his little servant to win his father’s love. If not his friend’s running away, instead, he bravely protected him just as he once protected Aamir, the following sufferings would not happened to Hasan. Facing in the dilemma between the aroma of discrimination to the Hazara people and the friendship with Hasan who ate breast nursing from the same wet nurse with him, Aamir began to regret his behavior for leaving Hasan off. To avoid this dilemma, he hurt Hasan again by accusing him of stealing his new watch and finally leading to Hasan’s leaving.
Once again, because of Hasan’s kindness, he agreed to care for the old house where he had lived. But the last, he devoted his life to saving Aamir’s house. Because he was a Hazara people, he could not live in the mansion. He was accused of a liar, like all of Hazara people. Then he was shot on his metencephalon and his wife too. Hasan was a kite runner in his young, but the line of his own kite seemed not controlled by himself, but the society. He finally was killed by Taliban, became the scapegoat of his own country.
3.2.2 The Scapegoat of Aamir and His Father’s Persona
The causes of the death for Hasan was not only because of the class contradictions of this country but the indifference of his friend, Aamir, and his biological father, being of noble character and high prestige in afghan. Both Aamir and his father wore a persona, thus leading to Hasan’s tragedy (Lin 6-7).
The persona, according to Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, was something that you and others think is, but in fact it’s not that (qtd. In Lin 6). Sheaksphere once said that ”The whole world is a stage, all men and women are actors” (Liang15). In soceity, everyone too much or too less plays some role to cater to the need of the society. Whatever field have specific persona, which can maintain the international relationship, thus making some difference to seek social identity. However, if someone excessively loses himself in the role that he plays, his persona will inflate and then he will lose himself, contributing to the cash and conflict of his spirit.
Aamir’s father, was a respectable businessman in Kabul with handsome appearance, intelligence, who built up from nothing and got married with a beautiful aristocratic miss, Aamir’s mother. What‘s more, he was philanthropicminde and built an orphanage by himself. In 1979, soviet intruded afghan. He protected and saved an Afghanistan’s women’s life from a solder with a gun. Although the bouche pointed to his chest, Aamir’s father would rather get a shot to flinch for he stood for the righteousness himself. Ostensibly, he was a perfect man from on the status, on the fortune, and on the moral. However, who could think of such a good man should fornicate with his servant’s wife? Ironically, he once educated Aamir seriously “when you cheat, you steal the right to fairness” (Hosseini 20). In fact, he was also a liar, cheating Ali, Hasan, and Aamir. In order to preserve his good reputation, he covered all the truth. Being afraid of utterly being discredited and breaking up of his mask, he failed to recognize Hasan. If he had done so, the hard-win image would down the drain, not the gentleman that all people admired and respected forever.
Hasan was bastard of Aamir’s father with Ali’s wife. If he could recognize him, admit him. Then Hasan could have led the same treatment with Aamir, living in the big house, studying in the school owning many toys rather than in the beat-up hovel, in derision for illiteracy. During the time of war, he could leave for the USA together with them rather than still stayed in afghan, finally died for fighting for Aamir’s house. So, the persona of Aamir’s father was also one of the reasons to Hasan’s tragedy.
Of course, Aamir also had the persona. He made friends with Hasan seemingly, did something for him indeed. When he cried for the solders insulted him for his mother, Aamir gave a shoulder to him and consoled him. He once carved a sentence on a tree. ”Aamir and Hasan, the sultans of Kabul”(Hosseini 30). He had said to Hasan, “You are a prince and I love you” (Hosseini 33). He had promised to Hasan that he would buy a TV to him. However, the sound in his heart is “I never thought of Hasan and me as friends” (Hosseini 27). When Hasan pointed to the loophole of his story, he should think of “What does he know, that illiterate? He’ll never be anything but a cook. How dare be criticize you” (Hosseini 37). He teased Hasan had not go to the school, sneering Hasan with which he doesn’t know. He was jealous of his harelip because that could make his father care for him much more. When played with other friends, he never asked Hasan together.
If we say Aamir’s father dared not to recognize Hasan for the good reputation, but what for Aamir did such to Hasan? Hasan would double-pay back to Aamir and felt extremely flattered, loyal to Aamir and defended for him facing Aamir’s kindness, just as he said “for you a thousand times over” (Hosseini 73). When fighting with others, he would bear the brunt for him. Because of so, he suffered rape for getting the kite that he had promised to bring back. When being framed for stealing Aamir’s watch, he chose to connive, not argue, and forgave what Aamir had done to him and left forever. Aamir knew Hasan clearly. So, he was the same as his father wearing a persona, thus lighting the tragedy of Hasan.
3.3 Kite: The Object Standing for Hope, Dignity, Redemption and Destiny
The kite was the image of the whole novel. It carries on the hope of the general public for the nice humanity, the dignity of the Afghanistan’s people toward boldness, Aamir’s source of evil and the beginning of his redemption and Hasan‘s destiny to living in this tempestuous country. To the Afghan people, the kite was the cultural symbol of his country. On some sense, kite is a metaphor of the identification and the national culture. The whole story began with the kite and ended with the kite. The two experiences of Aamir to run the kite respectively revealed the process of his evil and his self-redemption, frustration and rebirth (Zhang and Wang 230).
3.3.1 The Kite Moving to the Chasm
The brightest image in the novel, almost running through the whole story carries on the abundant culture factors. Winter is the Afghan’s children’s most favorite season, because they can fly kites, and run them. Every winter, the kite-fighting tournament similar with the battleground would be hold in every district of Kabul. The rules were easy, “Fly your kite. Cut the opponents. Good luck” (Hosseini 56). Hasan was a good kite runner. He always could help Aamir to win the last fighting. For Hasan and Aamir, the kite witnessed their friendship. For Hasan, the kite was his love and loyal toward Aamir. For Aamir and his father, “kites were the one paper-thin slice on intersection between those sphere” (Hosseini 53). Thus it arose Aamir’s betrayal and finally gave rise to Hasan’s tragedy.
It was the first experience to run the kite that forced Aamir to move the chasm of evil, losing himself in the deep regret from then on. When Aamir was 12 years old, he obtained the blue kite and won his father at the cost of sacrificing Hasan. He saw the process of Hasan’s being insulted with his own eyes, but did not throw himself into the breach as Hasan once did for him. Seeing the furvous flood on his pans, the tear in the corner of his eyes and hearing hoarse of his sound , he did not say anything but checked the kite whether been damaged or not and held the blue kite to exchange his father’s praise and love. Then the kite satiating with justice in his heart had drop down and disappeared from then on. Since that thing happened, Aamir was tormented by his conscientiousness and the regret toward Hasan. He tried to avoid his sight and even bungled him with pomegranate in order to release his anxieties. As a matter a fact, it was useless futility other than the expression like a lamb. Aamir would recall his evil every time he saw Hasan, and lived in the nightmare. “But no one woke up and in the silence that followed, I understood the nature of my new curse: I was going to get away with it” (Hosseini 93). So, he once again was defeated by his cowardice and selfishness. And finally walked far away, and drove Hasan and Ali away. It was the kite that drove Aamir walked to the guilt.
Hasan‘s miserable life was also related to the kite. As a good kite runner, he could make full use of the wind direction, and control well his kite in his hand. However, running the kite stands for Hasan’s miserable fate unable to dominate by himself. The tragic role of Hazara’s servant’s son without mother had labeled on him since his birth. His destiny was like the kite drifting about, and the final kite line controlled by others. Therefore, Hasan finally was drifted into the chasm. To Aamir’s wife, Soraya, the kite symbolizes her dream. This kite drove her misled her direction in her young. Because she pursued her dream and future so blindly that she eloped with an afghan man, which was an unforgivable mistake in Afghanistan. She was in bad condition before she met with Aamir. Because of so, she and her families often were laughed at and nobody was willing to catch their door. So, they had to move to the USA to avoid these mocking words.
Now, let’s come back to their guilt, miserable destiny, mistakes are all related to the kite. However the kite is visible or suppositional, in every afghan‘s heart, there is a kite, which can drive them to the chasm, and also make them walk back to the right path.
3.3.2 The Kite Leading to Freedom and Self-redemption
Later, Aamir moved to America, with his father to avoid the cruel ruling of Taliban, and became a famous writer. However, these memories concerning with Hasan did not disappeared because of the different places or the goes of the time. When receiving the call from his friend, Rahim Khan, “I knew that it wasn’t just Rahim Khan on the line. It was my past of unatoned sins “(Hosseini 1). Raising head, the two red kites with long tail flew on the sky, and The Kite Runner, that boy with harelip said “for you a thousand times over.” Although he had a peaceful life in the USA, the cockles of his heart did not placid as the environment. Then Rahim Khan told him the truth that Hasan was his brother, and finally he made his mind to save Sohrab, Hasan’s son, from Afghanistan where filled with ruins and beggars to atone for him and his father. “There is a way to be good again” (Hosseini 2). After fighting with Aseff courageously, he finally rescued Sohrab. However, that means that he had not finished his self-redemption successfully, because Sohrab suffered serious Tristimania. He must guard him just his father once guarded for him. Then Aamir took him to fly the kite, run the wined kite for him and made promise, ”for you a thousand times over” (Hosseini 401),”one corner of his mouth had curled up just so” (Hosseini 400). Sohrab’s smile made Aamir’s self -redemption came true successfully.
For Soraya, it was the line of her kite and Aamir’s forgiveness led her to the right path, and made her become a virtuous and tolerant wife, continuing loading Afghanistan’s culture. In fact, Aamir and Soraya’s father were also The Kite Runner. The invasion of soviet broke their beautiful homes and the bloodcurdling Taliban made them homeless until to their death, but they still pursued their kite with much hope to their country. And Sohorab, the little boy suffered too much that shouldn’t happened to him, losing his parents, being tormented by these Taliban. Because he can’t bear those sufferings, being afraid of being hurt again, he refused to communicate with the outsides. He finally fell down. The last words he said was “tired of everything” (Hoaaeoni 382). “I wish you had left me in the water” (Hosseini 383). “I am so kbasta” (Hosseini 384). Until one year later, the yellow kite made Sohorab a little smile in his face, because it is the only thing that concerned with his father, Hasan. The kite, not only saved Aamir and his father, but also saved Hasan’s son. The almost slightly warped, almost invisible to the corners of his mouth symbolizes Sohorab’s new life to his future.
3.4 The Analysis of the symbols of Pomegranate, Slingshot and Harelip
In the book of The Kite Runner, these images of pomegranate, sling shot and harelip appeared much times, and they revealed the various relationship between Hasan and Aamir in different period.
At first, the pomegranate and the slingshot, they were the symbols of Hasan and Aamir’s rolling friendship. This pomegranate located in the mountain of their house’s north, which was the witness of their childhoods, being carved “Aamir and Hasan, the sultans of Kabul” (Hosseini 30). And it was the place where they often played after school. At the same time, this pomegranate also witnessed the spilt between Hasan and Aamir. When Aamir fell into the regret of not helping him out during Hasan’s being insulted, he asked Hasan to hit him with pomegranate to release his sufferings. However, the kind Hasan hit himself with the pomegranate although Aamir provoke him with it. ”He walked toward me. He opened it and crushed it against his own forehead. “there,” he croaked, red dripping down his face like blood” (Hosseini 101). Later, Hasan left because of Aamir’s false accusation. And Aamir escaped to the USA for the war, but the pomegranate tree did not bear fruit anymore. The following arise of it was when Aamir came back from the USA, and he found the old tree had withered, but the sentence he had carved had not disappeared as it died away. These memories still lived in his heart.
The slingshot was the connection of Hasan and his son. It not only stood for their life in childhood, but also symbolized the deep emotion toward Hasan. The slingshot saved Aamir twice, one was Hasan, and the other was his son.
The image of the harelip played an important in the novel. “A boy with a Chinese doll face perpetually lit by a harelipped smile” (Hosseini 27). However, after making the lip surgery, this lip did not smile anymore other than the faint scars in his mouth edge. But Aamir grew a demon of jealousy toward Hasan’s harelip because it could win his father’s care and love. Then during Aamir’s self-redemption for saving Sohrab, he was hit like a harelip on his mouth by Assef. He had not escaped like the last time when Hasan was insulted, but bravely facing the following fighting with Assef, and never giving up again. So his burden for the regret toward Hasan could be refreshed.
4. The Analysis of The Kite Runner with Hosseini’s period
The Kite Runner, the reason why it can be called as an autobiographical novel is because there is full of Hosseini’s own experience and the suffering in Afghan. Seeing those despairing people and those homeless children, exploding not without reason, he wrote the story to portray people’s life in Afghanistan. The following things that Hosseini have experienced similar with his story’s background, thus the great work could be presented to the world.
4.1 The Endless War and the Racial Discrimination
Perhaps we all know that Afghan is a country satiating with all kinds of chaos, war, racial discrimination, gender discrimination, child marriage, veiling and religious conflict. However, maybe we not know his culture clearly rather than these words. Hosseini created The Kite Runner, by illustrating his experience with the roles of Aamir and Hasan. The following are the novel’s background in Hosseini’s period.
In 1970s, the terrible coup, the brutal ruling, the clash between Muslim and the soviet union’s invasion to Afghanistan with many altisonant excuses, made afghan in turmoil between the ruler and the citizen. After soviet’s invasion, the Taliban controlled the right of Kabul, people’s life trapped into a longer abyss than ever before, and the female’s social status becomes extremely low. They must wreathe their bodies and veil their face except for eyes. Just as Hosseini said in his work “ in December 1979, when Russian tanks would roll into the very same streets where Hasan and I played, bringing the death of the Afghanistan I knew and marking the start of a still ongoing era of bloodletting” (Hosseini 39). I could remember a scene in The Kite Runner.
Every sinner must be published in a manner befitting his sin, and what manner of punishment, brothers and sisters, befit the adulterer? How shall we punish those who dishonor the sanctity of marriage?How shall we deal with those who spit in the face of god, how shall we answer those who throw stones at the windows of god’s house? WE SHALL THROW THE STONES BACK. (Hosseini 292)
The Taliban, looking absurdly like a baseball pitcher on the mound, hurled the stone at the blindfolded man in the hole, It struck the side of his head. The women screamed again. The crowd made a startled “OH!” sound. I closed my eyes and covered my face with my hands. The spectator’s “OH!” rhymed with each flinging of the stone, and that went on for a while. (Hosseini 293).
“when it was all over, when the bloodied corpses had been unceremoniously tossed into the backs of red pickup trucks---separate ones---a few men with shovels hurriedly filled the hole” (Hosseini 294). Yes, the Taliban’s ruling enforced an abyss of suffering to those people. Those people in upper class like the family of Hosseini moved to America or Pakistan to escape from these sufferings. However, most people, the old, the young, the poor, cannot support themselves, parents sold their children, they even sold their arms or legs to gain some food.
And the incident in USA worsened others’ idea in the world toward Afghanistan, and it was burn in the mark of terrorism. In this condition, The Kite Runner appeared. Hosseini brought us a different visual angle, not just for discrimination or terrorism toward Afghanistan, full of humanism, revealing afghan’s traditional culture full of the real spirit and humanity, those miserable laboring public in the bottom, the deep feeling of kinship, longing for freedom of the citizens.
4.2 The Loss for the National Culture Heritage
As the Taliban’s control to Kabul, the game of playing kite had been banned. Kites, in other counties, like afghan and Pakistan, it was an important symbol. The game of playing kite loaded afghan’s the most quintessential traditional culture, representing people’s aspirations for longing for freedom, and equality. The main time of flying kites is in winter. In this day, thousands of boys with their beautiful kites joined in this game. To these children, playing kite not only could enjoy the pleasure to fighting with opponent ,and proving their efforts , but winning in this game means the highest honor, thus testifying his achievement to his father. Just as Aamir, in order to obtain the kite and win his father’s love to him, he abandoned Hasan, seeing Assef insulting him but without giving a hand. As Aamir got that kite in the end and acquired his father’s appreciation, the line of his kite had absolutely been cut off by his selfishness.
Although the Soviet Union’s invasion, the game had not been forbidden, various and colorful kite still flied freely on the sky. But because the Taliban controlled Kabul’s real power, there had no any cheerful smile in children’s face except hopelessness. What they can do is leaving or waiting without ending. People’s kite line with their expectation also had been cut off and the basic cultural load had disappeared as the Taliban’s ruling. The game of playing kites just as the past and lived in everybody’s minds. Hosseini have left afghan for many years, he intakes the American culture differing in his motherland, but he could never forget the game of playing kite, could never forget Kabul where he was born. Instead, Hosseini constantly keep an eye on this country, with his pen showing his deep love to his homeland.
5. Conclusion
Today, Khaled Hosseini had gained great reputation after the publication of his novel, The Kite Runner, following he published his other novels. His all works are all being studied around the world. And The Kite Runner, was his maiden work, forcibly occupied for 80 weeks in the two authoritative fast seller, New York Times, and Publishers Weekly. He deeply and delicately illustrates the condition of Afghanistan of political and social reality by using the artistic technique of symbolism. There are lots of symbolic novels, such as Wuthering Heights, The Scarlet Letter, Moby Dick, the Grapes of Height and so on. They are worthy of reading and studying carefully. As these symbolic works not express their real themes directly, the readers have to make use of their imagination to understand the deeper and profounder meaning, thus provoking them to think. It could make a bridge to the following more excellent works.
Unlike these realistic writers who express the thing that they can see, the symbolic writer uses the matter in the material world to present their real themes that are hidden beneath in the reality, thus revealing to their inner world. Thanks to the creation of the symbolism, thousands of excellent works could be invented with rich meanings. Just in The Kite Runner, Hosseini successfully applied the symbolism to the autobiographical novel, which was endowed with multiple themes. In the above analysis, The Kite Runner discussed the family ties, friendship, growth, ethnic discrimination, civilization and others. And these invisible themes were loaded in these symbols. This thesis tries to explore the significance of these symbols. It mainly includes the analysis of the country of afghan, the characters of Hasan, the kite, and these important matters, pomegranate, slingshot and harelip. Through the analysis of these symbols, people could know clearly the culture of afghan, the life of Afghanistan, and know the life condition of a country which is in wars for long time. Moreover, through the revealing of the humanity, it is much important for the civilians to have the rulers with democracy rather than the Taliban. As a matter of a fact, in the end of this novel, running the kite again reveal the recurring of the Afghanistan culture, the traditional culture of playing kite does not disappear despite of the banning of the Taliban or the variational spatial position. Where they are, the remembrance to the motherland does not be changed by anything. And the expectation to peace can’t end.
Maybe my paper is not clear in the analysis of these symbols, but it is good for readers to understand this novel deeply. In the future, perhaps more scholars will study this story on other subjects. Let us wait and see what happens.
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第3篇: 《追风筝的人》中象征艺术手法探析
摘 要:《追风筝的人》是美籍阿富汗作家卡勒德·胡塞尼的第一部长篇英文小说。这部作品不仅是书中主角的心灵成长史,更是阿富汗人民的苦难史和奋斗史。卡勒德·胡塞尼的艺术手法非常细腻,他在文中用了一系列常见的细小的事物来展现阿富汗地区的欢乐与痛苦,幸福与挣扎。文中反复出现的风筝、石榴树、弹弓等意象寓意深刻,它们不仅将书中主角的命运紧紧地联系在了一起,也加强了作品叙事的连贯性。
[中图分类号]:I106 [文献标识码]:A
《追风筝的人》叙述了一个美裔阿富汗男人对自己的童年往事的回忆以及关于他的心灵自我救赎的过程。主人公阿米尔于1963年出生在阿富汗城市喀布什的一个富裕家庭,从小失去母亲的他性格怯懦,爱好写作,非常渴望得到父亲的赏识,而家里下人阿里的儿子哈桑性格却勇敢忠诚。阿米尔与哈桑都是彼此孩童时亲密的玩伴,在一次风筝比赛中,哈桑为了帮阿米尔追逐最后掉落且代表着最终胜利的风筝,遭受到了同街区坏孩子阿塞夫的奸辱,亲眼目睹 这一场景的阿米尔因为害怕而选择逃离。此后内心备受煎熬的阿米尔因为无法样面对哈桑便诬陷哈桑偷了自己的手表,逼走了哈桑父子。几年后,阿富汗战争爆发,阿米尔一家移居美国,与哈桑父子再也没有联系。许多年后,阿米尔通过父亲的阿富汗老友得知,哈桑与自己是同父异母的兄弟,而哈桑的儿子索拉博,自己的侄子此时正在阿富汗遭受与哈桑当年一样的暴行。儿时的噩梦再次发生,因此他决定重返阿富汗,最终他历经艰辛将索拉博带回了美国。
第4篇: 《追风筝的人》中象征艺术手法探析
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8 初中英语教学中课堂气氛与教学效果浅谈
9 简爱性格研究
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15 商业意识对美国电影片名翻译的影响
16 用合作原则和礼貌原则分析网络聊天室会话的含义
17 译者主体性对翻译风格的影响分析
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19 她们的自我选择—解读简奥斯汀傲慢与偏见中女性的婚恋观
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21 自然会话中会话结构的分析
22 中西方婚姻观的差异
23 浅析公告标识中出现的中式英语及其纠正
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26 从语言角度分析《功夫熊猫》中中西文化的交融
27 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》与《梁祝》结局的文化对比研究
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29 商务函电中委婉语的翻译策略
30 The Comparison of Table Manners between China and Western Countries
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32 法国大革命对《西风颂》创作的影响
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34 中式菜名的英译
35 英汉味觉隐喻的对比研究
36 A Brief Discussion on Creative Treason in Poetry Translation—Based on the Chinese Versions of The Isles of Greece
37 《论语》中“仁”的翻译研究
38 Translation of Tourism English in a Cross-Cultral Perspective
39 林黛玉和简.爱不同命运的对比
40 浅析《傲慢与偏见》中伊丽莎白和达西关系的转变
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42 《德伯家的苔丝》中苔丝悲剧的分析
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44 杰克凯鲁亚克与垮掉的一代
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46 英汉习语中价值观的差异
47 美国梦和中国梦的内涵对比研究
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50 A Comparative Study on Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai
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52 从成长小说的角度分析《杀死一只知更鸟》中小海鸥的成长危机
53 On Allan Poe’s Application of Gothic Elements and His Breakthroughs — Through The Fall of the House Of Usher
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55 论英语无灵句与汉语有灵句的互译
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57 《了不起的盖茨比》中女性人物性格分析
58 《楚门的世界》中的黑色幽默
59 论海明威《一天的等待》的冰山原则写作风格
60 Yellow Peril–the Image of Fu Manchu in the West
61 探究瓦尔登湖的积极现实意义——倡导和谐生存发展模式
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63 《傲慢与偏见》中人物对白之语用学分析
64 从语用模糊理论看国际商务合同的模糊用语的功能
65 On the Application of Newmark’s Theory in Tourism English Translation
66 旅游翻译中的跨文化语用失误
67 从语言功能考察汉语公示语英译
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71 中西亲子关系对比性研究
72 中西方语言和文化间的相互影响
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83 中英茶文化的比较和对比
84 如何降低初中生英语课堂焦虑
85 Cultural Factors in the Translation of English Idioms
86 论口译中的跨文化意识
87 英汉句子状语的对比与翻译
88 浅析合作学习在英语专业口语教学中的应用
89 从《艾玛》看简奥斯汀小说中的对话运用
90 数字口译及其训练策略
91 翻译的对等性研究及其应用
92 菲尔丁小说《汤姆琼斯》中的戏剧因素分析
93 人性在《红字》中的体现
94 从关联-顺应理论视角研究旅游文本英译
95 《双城记》与《呼啸山庄》的家庭主题对比
96 Difference between Chinese Buddhism and American Christianity
97 换位思考在商务信函中坏消息的运用及建议
98 功能文体学视角下的商务合同文体分析及翻译
99 方位词“上”和“Up”语义对比研究
101 商务英语报道中的情态意义分析
102 从关联理论角度看英语广告中修辞手法的翻译
103 《还乡》中的生态女性主义解读
104 浅论简•奥斯汀在《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻观及其女性主义意识
105 青少年的危机时刻——短篇小说集《最初的爱情,最后的仪式》初探
106 A Comparison of the English Color Terms
107 《老人与海》中的象征主义
108 从爱情观的转变谈《飘》中斯嘉丽的成长历程
109 论麦琪的悲剧
110 论图片和卡片在中学英语教学中的合理应用
111 试析《假如明天来临》的叙事艺术
112 《哈姆雷特》戏剧中的悲剧因素
113 《暮色》两中译本中文化缺省重构的对比研究
114 论《一个小时的故事》中马拉德夫人女性意识的觉醒
115 A Study of Neo-Classicism
116 美剧字幕中的译者主体性——以美剧Gossip Girl第一季为例
117 《蝴蝶君》中两位主角的心理冲突
118 小说《忠犬八公的故事》和电影《八公》动物叙事技巧的比较
119 对话中语用意义的理论视角
120 高中英语课堂师生互动研究
121 The Problem of Evil---A Universal Issue Seen From Western Perspectives
122 少儿英语语言学习策略调查与研究
123 中西亲子关系对比性研究
124 三星公司营销策略研究
125 《到灯塔去》中的两性主义—抵达人类和谐的完美道路
126 从关联理论的角度看英语广告中隐喻的翻译
127 清代以来中西文化交流对中国婚俗的影响
128 论维多利亚时代早期的人性异化——以《远大前程》为例
129 论《简爱》中的女性意识
130 《紫色》的妇女主义浅析
131 离开“美国出品”
132 中西问候语差异对比
133 美式英语与英式英语语音差异研究
134 A Comparison of the Dragon Culture in the East and the Sheep Culture in the West
135 《第二十二条军规》中尤索林的观察者与实践者角色评析
136 分析《宠儿》中塞丝的创伤与愈合
137 A Research on the Symbolic Meanings of“Ghost”in Anil’s Ghost
138 从情景喜剧《生活大爆炸》看违反合作原则的言语幽默
139 《老人与海》的象征意义分析
140 体育新闻英语文体特点分析
141 初中英语教师提问策略对课堂师生互动的影响
142 暗喻的英汉对比翻译
143 《喧嚣与骚动》的创作技巧研究
144 大学校训翻译:问题与基本对策
145 A Pragmatic Analysis of Oxymoron in Advertising
146 语言行为性别差异研究
147 英语学习者对合作学习的看法
148 中英道歉策略对比研究
149 论《呼啸山庄》中的叙述技巧
150 天使还是悲剧制造者——浅析安吉克莱尔对苔丝悲剧的影响
151 《红楼梦》中文化词的翻译
152 海丝特与卡米拉爱情观的对比分析
153 弗吉尼亚•伍尔夫《海浪》的叙事技巧分析
154 A Comparison of the English Color Terms
155 A Comparison of the English Color Terms
156 汉语语速性别对比研究
157 A Study on the Game Teaching Strategy for English Young Learns
158 《了不起的盖茨比》:盖茨比的性格对其一生的影响及其对当代中国青年的现实意义
160 流行美剧《生活大爆炸》字幕翻译研究
161 《理智与情感》的现实主义特征
162 A Comparison of the English Color Terms
163 汉译英语足球新闻中修辞手法的策略
164 英汉广告中的双关语及其英汉互译
165 关于王尔德童话的研究
166 英语构词法对词汇习得的影响
167 中文商标英译研究
168 从中国传统民居乔家大院和西方哥特式教堂看中西文化差异
169 《愤怒的葡萄》的生态主义分析
170 英汉基本颜色词的文化内涵对比研究
171 圣地亚哥命运的新解:论其在现实社会中必败的命运和悲剧
172 英语谚语重复修辞格的翻译
173 中西方文化差异
174 托马斯•哈代《无名的裘德》中的书信研究
175 从《阿甘正传》看个人主义对美国文化的影响
176 色彩在《隐形人》中的应用及其象征意义
177 论《红字》中的孤独感
178 英语电影片名的汉译要求及赏析
179 目的论在公司宣传广告英译中的应用
180 从合作原则角度解读《成长的烦恼》中的言语幽默
181 电影《苔丝》的缺失——与原著《德伯家的苔丝》的比较
182 英语新闻标题中隐喻的应用与翻译
183 简析译者文化背景对其处理习语翻译的影响--《水浒传》赛珍珠译本中的习语翻译
184 试比较《汤姆索亚历险记》与《哈克贝利芬历险记》中主人公性格异同点
185 英语新闻的语言特点
186 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中圣克莱尔一家的人物分析
187 论爱伦坡小说中的哥特式风格
188 从女性主义视角分析《飘》中斯佳丽人物形象
189 探究斯蒂芬•克莱恩诗集中的三类意象——以《黑骑者》为例
190 《莫比迪克》中不同的人物特点
191 法律术语的模糊性及其翻译
192 《远大前程》中皮普成长的心路历程
193 从合作原则的角度分析广告语的修辞特点
194 以名词动用为例分析英语词汇学习中的隐喻
195 文化语境对翻译的影响
196 从跨文化交际角度看中西方商务谈判
197 《绯闻少女》中的话语标记词研究
198 中英广告中的双关语探析
199 剖析《麦田里的守望者》主人公霍尔顿的复杂个性
200 清明节与万圣节的比较