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 Only mistake ♪ ♪ You gave me 365 days ♪ 365 天:今时之欲 But nothing could ever make me be ♪ Next to you ♪ I"ve tried so hard ♪ no one"s perfect enough ♪ But when you"re alone There"s something so sweet ♪ About death ♪ "Cause when you"re gone ♪ I"ve lost myself ♪ way ♪ And I"ve never wanted ♪ To feel so wrong ♪ hen I"m in love ♪ With you ♪ follow your steps ♪ I"ll never leave you again ♪ "Cause when I"m with you ♪ It feels like home ♪ ♪ Again ♪ 你不应该来这里的 You shouldn"t be here. "ve missed your touch ♪ I want to drown in your eyes ♪ And look at us now ♪ ♪ No one is perfect enough ♪ 我没穿内♥裤♥ I don"t have panties. "Cause when you"re gone ♪ I"ve lost myself ♪ way ♪ And I"ve never wanted to feel so wrong ♪ ♪ When I"m in love ♪ -♪ Your lips, like poisoOur hearts, so broken ♪ No one believed we don"t care ♪ We"ve made bad choices ♪ Our souls were frozen ♪ Now we are here once again ♪ And I"ve never wanted to feel so wrong ♪ hen I"m in love ♪ ♪ With you ♪

 我没找到合适的内♥裤♥ I couldn"t find anything decent. 新房♥子 新衣柜 但还是一团糟 New house, new wardrobe, but it"s still the same old mess. 你们在这里搞什么呢

 What the hell are you doing here? 你们太堕落了 知道吗

 You"re sick people. You know that? 伤风败俗 You deviants! 离经叛道 堕落腐化

 Freaks! Filthy perverts! 马西莫 你必须离开这里

 Massimo, you have to get out of here! 在婚礼前见到新娘 会带来坏运气的 It brings bad luck to see the bride before the wedding. 更别说跟新娘做♥爱♥了 把妆都弄花了

 Not to say to bang her and ruin her makeup! 你们快把我逼疯了 克里西亚奶奶看到都会心脏病发作的 You"re driving me crazy. You"d give Grandma Krysia a heart attack. 你是嫉妒了吗

 Are you jealous? 听我说 Listen to me. 请尊重一下波兰的传统 好吗

 Please have some respect for Polish tradition, okay? 如果你想要 下次可以三人行 If you want, next time you can join us. 快走吧

 Go, go, go! 拜拜了 朋友

 Adiós, amigos. 回见了 美女

 Ciao, bella! 或者随便你们那里怎么说吧 Or whatever you people say. 再见了 小鳄鱼

 See you later, alligator! 一切都应该是美美的 婚礼、婚纱、新娘 而我呢

 It was supposed to be perfect. The wedding, the dress, and you. 我本来应该躺平的

 And I was supposed to be relaxing. 看看你自己 Just look at you. 我不是要唠叨你 但你以前不抽烟的 I"m not gonna get on your ass about it, but you never smoke. 但如果你想装坏耍酷 那没问题 Whatever. If you wanna pretend to be a badass, fine. 但我需要知道一件事 But I need to know something. 你还没告诉他 是吧

 You haven"t told him, have you? 好吧 这件事不关我的事 Okay. None of my business. 但你试着告诉他了吧

 You"ve been trying to tell him, though, right? 我每天都会想这件事 I think about it every day. 不能让马西莫知道 我当时怀孕了 Massimo can never know I was pregnant. 好主意 That"s great. 遮掩隐瞒正是夫妻和睦的基础呢 A dark secret is the foundation of any successful relationship. 我能怎么办呢

 What should I do? 要我告诉他 隧♥道♥的意外 让他的孩子没了 我也差点死掉吗

 Tell him I lost the baby in the tunnel where I almost died? 你觉得他会怎么做

 Do you know what he"d do? 怎么做

 What? 这些人不是普通人 These people aren"t normal. 这样会引发战争的 A war would break out. 劳拉 战争吗 拜托 A war? Come on. 你知道马西莫的 You know Massimo. 他从来不会善罢甘休的 He never lets things go.


 Know what a "vendetta" is? 我们在西西里岛 你知道吗

 You do realize we"re in Sicily, right? 当然 我听过这个词 I mean, I"ve heard the word before. 在电影里看过 谁没看过呢

 我当然知道这个词了 In movies. Who hasn"t? Of course I know what it means. 糟糕 Oh shit. 是我欠考虑了 I wasn"t thinking. 这是我做过的最艰难的决定 It was the hardest decision of my life. 对不起 I"m sorry. 你是我见过的最坚强的女人 你知道吗

 You"re the strongest woman I"ve ever met. You know that? 记住 你不是一个人 我永远支持你 Remember, you"re not alone. I"m here for you. 所以你爱他吗

 So, do you love him? 好了 走吧 Okay, let"s go. 给我补补妆吧 我保证不会忘记穿内♥裤♥了 Help me get ready.I promise I won"t forget my panties this time. 给你吧 选一个你喜欢的颜色 Here you go. Pick any color you like. 我在说什么 全都是白色的 What am I saying? They"re all white. Let me tell you a story ♪ Thescouple things about us ♪ We"re on the way ♪ To the brand-new morning ♪ When you and I ♪ You lift me up ♪ I"m stronger now ♪ You make me better ♪ But I question myself ♪ Am I a fool that I love you? ♪ I just hope I"ll make it up ♪ ♪ Could you promise me ♪

 ♪ That you"ll never break my heart? ♪ 让我们逃离这些嘈杂吧 Let"s run away from all this mess. Am I a fool that I miss you ♪ When I"m dancin" in the dark? ♪ But I always knew ♪ That you were gonna be ♪ ♪ My girl ♪ 你有一个小时 You have one hour. 然后…我就要对你为所欲为了

 Then… I"ll do whatever I want with you. 不 是我要对你为所欲为了 No. I"ll do whatever I want with you. 坐下吧 Sit down. You don"t carry a gun ♪ But you shoot me down Not a first time ♪ Mm-mm ♪ us ♪ I care about you ♪ Just show me something, girl ♪ Don"t treat me like a fool ♪ ♪ I don"t care if I lose it all ♪ 我不想伤害你 I don"t wanna hurt you. I feel the cold of the nightfall ♪ Try to be a good guy ♪ But actin" like a monster ♪ Nobody knows me better than you ♪ don"t care if I lose it all ♪ In your diamond eyes ♪ See my reflection as if through a fog ♪ Oh ♪ locked me up ♪ You don"t care what I feel ♪ Just say something, girl ♪ And set me free ♪ "Cause you know I"m in ♪ n it ♪ h ♪ ♪ On it ♪

 n it ♪ h, ooh ♪ , on it ♪ On it ♪ I try to be a good guy ♪ But actin" like a monster ♪ Nobody knows me better than you ♪ no control, got me so ♪ ♪ Got me so ♪ 现在用我喜欢的方式操♥我♥吧

 And now… I want you to fuck me the way I like. I don"t care if I lose it all ♪ ♪ Yeah! ♪ 你以为这朵花 就能让我忘记昨天的事吗

 You think this flower will help make me forget that yesterday 你选择陪着黑♥手♥党♥同伴 而不是陪我 you preferred the company of your Mafia fellows over mine? 不会 Nope. 但这朵花能哄你笑 But it makes you smile. 我看起来怎么样

 How do I look like? 仿若初见 宝贝 Like the first time, baby. 我们的蜜月会很完美的 老公 It will be a perfect honeymoon, husband. You came later ♪ Did you see her? ♪ I know you wanna be close ♪ ♪ And I"m tryin" to understand why ♪ -♪ "Cause we"re doing no wrong ♪ -♪ No wrong ♪ What you like, yeah What you, what you like, yeah ♪ I care about you Like nobody else, yeah ♪ So, what you like, yeah What you, what you like, yeah ♪ What you like Baby, say what you wanna say ♪ But I know you want it again ♪ You"re playing my game today ♪ So, say what you wanna say ♪ What you wanna say ♪ ♪ If you like that, I will give you more ♪

 , let me give it all ♪ If you like that ♪ esn"t matter, have another ♪ Do you really think so? ♪ "re a liar ♪ You could stop it ♪ But I see you won"t ♪ f I do You"ll not go back to her maybe ♪ I"m just crazy ♪ You stuck on my mind, baby ♪ If I do, I"ll be called that evil lady ♪ Slow down, down, down Down, down, down ♪ What you like, yeah What you, what you like, yeah ♪ I care about you Like nobody else, yeah ♪ So, what you like, yeah What you, what you like, yeah ♪ What you like ♪ aby, say what you wanna say ♪ But I know you want it again ♪ You"re playing my game today ♪ So, say what you wanna say ♪ What you wanna say ♪ f you like that ♪ will give you more ♪ If you like that ♪ Let me give it all ♪ ♪ If you like that ♪ 我♥操♥ Shit. 我♥操♥ Shit. 我♥操♥ 你换发型了呀

 You changed your hair! 欢迎回家

 Welcome home! 我也很高兴见到你 Nice to see you too. 我不知道我们应该带食物来呢 I didn"t know we had to bring food. 听着

 Listen… 我在充分享受生活 我恋爱了 I"m living my best life. I fell in love. 那是什么时候的事呀

 And when exactly did that happen? 你是最没资格批评我的人 You"re the last person who should be criticizing me. 我在想 有多少家具需要更换 I"m wondering how many pieces of furniture I"ll need to replace. 你们都玷污过哪些家具 能不能麻烦你帮我列一个清单

 Would you be so kind as to make a list of everything that"s been tainted? 想吃树莓吗 在意大利叫做山莓 Want a raspberry? In Italian, it"s called "lampone." 把你的山莓塞进你的菊花吧 You can stick your lampone up your ass. 女士们 我想建议你们 去其他地方叙旧吧 I would like to propose you two catch up in a different location 因为多梅尼科现在得专心工作了 "cause Domenico, now he needs to focus on work. 当然 他要先换上普通的西装 不能…

 Of course, when he"s wearing a normal suit and not… 那是什么 是蛋糕吗

  What is that, a… a cake or something? 不是 Cream. 我给你俩安排了一次短途旅行 Um, I arranged a little trip for you two. 我看起来像是 你可以随意移♥动♥的家具吗

 Do I look like furniture that you can move around? -我只是希望你和闺蜜玩得开心 -真的吗

 I want you to have fun with your friend. -Oh, really? -我不是开玩笑 -你为什么不把我拴起来呢

 It"s not a joke. - Why don"t you put a leash on me? 看来蜜月结束了 Oh, I can see honeymoon is over. 闭嘴吧 Shut up. 冷静 我们就去度假呗 Calm down. We could use a vacation. 我都忘记酒是什么味道了 It"s been so long, I"ve forgotten what alcohol looks like.

 -我在办公室等你 -好的 I"ll be in the office. -All right. 你为什么如此忧郁

 What"s on your mind? 我很正常呀 Nothing. 我在这里感觉很好 I"m just enjoying being here. -所以你才这么严肃吗

 -我没有严肃 Is that why you"re acting so serious? - I"m not. 我只是觉得懊悔 对马西莫有些歉疚 I just feel bad about Massimo. 他在努力呢 为我们安排了这次旅行 He"s making a real effort. He arranged this trip. 有时候我觉得 我像我妈一样 Sometimes I think I"m just like my mom. 不是 更糟 你像是妻子一样 Nope. Even worse. You"re a typical wife. 谢谢哦 我总是能指望你 Thanks, Olga. I can always count on you. 不用担心 乐意效劳 No worries. Happy to help. 听着 其实很简单的 Listen. It"s simple, really. 你知道马西莫的脾气 所以你知道要做什么了 You know what Massimo likes, so just do that. 我♥操♥

 Oh shit! 我想到一个主意 I"ve got an idea. I like watching you ♪ When you"re on fire ♪ Take off your pretty dress ♪ Mm ♪ And feed the beast ♪ Deep inside me, mm ♪ This is what you get ♪ Playing with a devil ♪ Triple-six lies ♪ I don"t give a fuck...

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